Chaos Labs <> Renzo AVS Risk Assessment Methodology


This model quantifies the maximum slashing risk – referred to as Value at Risk (VaR) here by incorporating slashing behavior across multiple node operators and multiple AVSs. It is not certain that when one operator on a particular AVS is slashed that any other operator will get slashed at the same time. Further, it is not certain that when an operator gets slashed on one AVS, that they get slashed on all other AVSs they are securing.

The model for quantifying slashing risk presented here extends prior work by Renzo that introduced the MaxLoss, representing the maximum percentage of stake that can be frozen/slashed by each AVS and RiskAdjustedReward, similar to the Sharpe Ratio used in traditional finance.

When combined with reward estimates, this model’s output quantifies the risk-reward profile of a restaking portfolio.

Problem and Context

Liquid restaking tokens feature a diverse set of operators and AVSs. Each operator on Renzo receives unique stake on multiple onboarded AVSs, however this stake is no longer rehypothecated after the announcement of the new EigenLayer Security Model.

See the Renzo operator distribution as an example:

Since AVS slashing is not yet live, we cannot rely on historical data as is common in traditional finance.

Instead, the main purpose of this report is to:

  1. Present a methodology for establishing initial risk estimates with as few assumptions and parameters as possible.
  2. Describe the few initial, intuitive parameters that can be updated with data as AVS slashing goes live. An update mechanism is then proposed for these parameters so they can adapt from our informed priors to incoming data.

Causes of Slashing

Identifying the drivers of slashing can help isolate the maximum slashing penalties relevant for analysis here. Some are relevant and potential risk factors while others can be managed through defined channels.

Here we decompose the driver of slashing into the following distinct causes:

  1. Malicious operator behavior.
  2. Bugs in AVS smart contract code or configuration.
  3. Inadvertent slashing due to non-malicious operator error or external factors, such as challenges to the AVS, DoS attacks, or disruptions at the Internet service provider level.

A closer examination of these causes allows us to argue that:

  • Malicious operators can be managed through robust operator onboarding processes and legal measures at the LRT level. Currently, Renzo operators are contractually bound, and the risk of malicious activity is mitigated by the potential for legal recourse against them.
  • AVS slashing bugs can be mitigated by opting into EigenLayer StakeSure and conducting due diligence on AVSs. StakeSure retains slashed stakes rather than burning them and restores the slashed stake if the slashing is determined to be unwarranted.
  • Inadvertent slashing due to non-malicious validators represents a risk that cannot be mitigated. It is, therefore, the focus of the initial Value at Risk model.

Value Slashed

The maximum value that can be slashed by an AVS is limited to the Unique Stake dedicated to it. Under typical conditions, the percentage of Unique Stake slashed is expected to be significantly smaller than total unique stake (see the Case Study at the end of this report).

The first major metric proposed in this model is the maximum slashing penalty defined on an AVS due to accidental validator or hardware mistakes, S. Based on the argument above, focusing on the absolute maximum possible slashing penalty—typically the total unique stake—is overly conservative and not particularly useful. Instead, attention should be directed toward the maximum likely slashing penalty that cannot be mitigated through other means.

For example, on most PoS chains, S is represented as the penalty for double signing.

  • On the Ethereum Beacon Chain, the amount of ETH slashed due to double voting is 1/32 with the potential to increase slightly if more than 1% of validators are simultaneously slashed for the same offense, between 3% and 4% of the total ETH staked by the operator.
  • On chains like BSC, where there are fewer operators, larger individual stakes, and a fixed penalty per slashing event, the maximum penalty is below 0.3% from the amounts staked at the moment.

TL;DR: Summary of the Problem

  • We want to find out the value at risk in case of a slashing event, for a liquid restaking token that is distributed across multiple AVSs and node operators.
  • We can assume that the operators will be non-malicious, and that the funds in the AVS are covered by StakeSure. As a result, the model focuses on inadvertent slashing caused by operator errors.
  • Such slashing is expected to be limited to a small percentage of the unique stake allocated to each AVS.

Value at Risk Model

Definitions and Notation

Model Components

The total unique stake of a restaking portfolio is given by:

However, the focus is specifically on estimating the value at risk (VaR): the maximum amount slashable, to estimate the true slashing risk of an AVE-node operator set up. It is limited to a portion of Ua for each AVS a, as defined by the slashing rules of that AVS. In the absolute worst case, it’s bounded by Ua itself: Sa ≤ Ua.

Key idea: The model approximates VaR for a single slashing event as the highest slashable value among all node operators and AVSs (max(Sa,i , for all i, a)), combined with the values slashed simultaneously from other node operators and AVSs, including correlation penalties if required.

  1. Without loss of generality, the indices of AVS and node operators can be sorted by their value at risk, such that the first AVS and NO have the maximum VaR:

Since this represents the maximum single value at risk, it serves as the lower bound of the total value at risk. S1,1 equals the total VaR only when slashing correlations are zero.

  1. The likelihood of simultaneous slashing can be approximated using the following two probabilities:

Initially, to reduce the parameter set in the absence of data, we assume that all of these correlations are equal and defined by two constants, rho_N and rho_A:

Recommendations for their initial values:

  • rho_N: A small value, as correlated slashing across node operators has rarely been observed on the Beacon Chain. A value of 5% or lower is suggested. We encourage the audience to reason about this for themselves to get comfortable with the methodology, by we see no a priori reason why an error on one node operator should necessarily be repeated on others simultaneously, an assumption backed up by evidence on the Ethereum Beacon Chain.
  • rho_A: A larger value, as a fault in an honest validator may affect all services it validates. A value of 80% or higher is suggested. This conservative assumption that if an operator makes an error on one AVS client, it will have an 80% chance of making an error on any other is impossible to forecast currently. We prefer to err on one side of caution and overestimate risk while we collect market data.

Correlated Slashing: Multiple Operators, Same AVS

Consider two scenarios. In the first, the AVS does not impose any additional penalties for simultaneous slashing. In this case, the expected additional value slashed by the AVS is given by:

The second scenario involves additional penalties for multiple operators being slashed simultaneously. These penalties can be expressed as a multiplier defined by a penalty function phi(i), where:

If for all i: phi(i) = 1, indicating no additional penalty for mass slashing, Eq. 1a applies. Otherwise, the correlated slashing penalties for different operators at AVS #1 is:

The loop ranges for indices from 1 to n-1 because the idea is to look at the value potentially slashed from all other node operators, without the node operator #1. The VaR for node operator #1 is established to be exactly S1,1, by assumption.

Correlated Slashing: Same Operator, Multiple AVSs

Since AVSs are independent, they will not have additional penalties due to simultaneous slashing. The formula is simply:

Combined Formula for Value at Risk

Summing it all together, the effective total value at risk can be written as:

Updating the Model

The VaR changes whenever the unique stake amount or its distribution changes, as well as when the parameters rho_N and rho_A change.

Given new observations, such as a slashing event, an algorithm can recompute the values of rho_N and rho_A using Bayesian updating or a similar method, such as Maximum Likelihood Estimation.

If sufficient slashing data is available, the values of rho_N and rho_A can be estimated for each NO and AVS separately. Otherwise, at least in the early stages, maintaining single system-wide values for these parameters is more practical.

Since slashing events are infrequent, it will not be computationally demanding to rerun the update algorithm each time a slashing occurs, producing updated parameter distributions.

If there are no slashing events, the values of rho_N and rho_A can be tuned to gradually decrease with time.


An interactive version of the model is available on Desmos.

Let the Renzo AVS delegations, operator configurations, and exposed slashing conditions be defined as follows:

  • five AVSs
  • five node operators, with 1000 ETH combined portfolio value:
    • 200 ETH total stake for each operator
    • unique stake distributed equally for each AVSs
  • slashing penalty of 4% from the unique stake
  • slashing correlations of rho_N = 5% and rho_A = 80%

The value that can be slashed per operator per AVS is:

During a slashing event the expected loss is:

  • S = 1.6 ETH from the first slashed operator
  • Loss from operator 2 at AVS 1 quantified by Eq. 1a
  • Loss from the operator 1 at AVS 2, 3, 4, and 5, quantified by Eq. 2

Writing it out:

In sum: the maximum loss this model predicts in a slashing event is 6.99 ETH, which is 0.7% of the total value of the portfolio.

The figure above shows the VaR in % as a function from the number of operators. It’s clear that increasing the number of operators reduces the value at risk, since we expect slashing events to be only very weakly correlated between operators. Adding correlation penalties increases the VaR, but only marginally, since the probability of multi-operator slashing is low.
To be clear, more or less aggressive correlation penalty function could be used, leading to different results. The function used in this graph is the proportional penalty function: i.e. slashing N operators at once increases the penalty N times.

The figure above shows the VaR in % as a function from the number of AVSs. Increasing the number of AVSs reduces the risk, but only a little, since we use high slashing correlation between different AVS.

TL;DR: Summary of the Model

  • The model (Desmos link) calculates the value at risk for a restaking portfolio in case of a slashing event.
  • It uses the value at risk of a single operator in a single AVS as the basis.
  • To this, it adds the value at risk from simultaneous slashing, estimated using correlations with other AVSs and operators.
  • Optionally, the model can include additional penalties for mass slashing events.

Case Study: Slashing in PoS Blockchains

Due to the lack of AVS slashing data, the next best approximation for historical slashing risks comes from PoS blockchain staking.

Selection of Chains

For the study we selected:

  • Ethereum – As the main PoS chain, Ethereum was one of the first to implement slashing and offers a wealth of easily accessible slashing data.
  • Gnosis – As one of Ethereum’s first side chains, Gnosis features similarly well-structured and accessible slashing data.
  • Cosmos SDK chains, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC) – these chain use a more centralized validator set, which resembles AVS operators.

Value Being Slashed

On Ethereum and Gnosis Chain:

  • A validator initially loses 1/32 of their stake when slashed.
  • Additionally, the validator incurs attestation penalties between the slashing epoch and the withdrawable epoch. On Ethereum, this period spans 8192 epochs (36 days) after the slashing event, amounting to less than 0.1 ETH.
  • Finally, correlation penalties may apply. However, these penalties require simultaneous slashing of thousands of validators and have not been observed on Ethereum.
  • Total expected loss: Approximately 3.4% of the staked capital.

On Cosmos SDK chains, including BSC:

  • Slashing penalties apply not only for attestation and proposal violations (e.g., double voting) but also for inactivity.
  • The default Cosmos SDK configuration uses 5% penalty for double signing and 1% for inactivity.
    • Cosmos, Osmosis, Terra, Akash has kept the 5% default setting for double signing.
    • Celestia has reduced the double signing penalty to 2%
  • Interestingly, Harmony One (a similar model, but a distinct codebase from Cosmos) uses proportional slashing penalties, bounded to 2% as a minimum. For instance, the slashed validators control 10% of the total stake, the penalty will be 10%.

On BSC specifically:

  • Penalties for offenses are fixed:
    • 200 BNB for double-voting.
    • 10 BNB for inactivity.
    • Income from the last 24-hour period is also redistributed from the offending validator.
  • There are only 45 active validators, some operated by the same entity, with stakes ranging from 1.8M BNB to 66k BNB.
  • Total expected loss: Ranges from 0.01% to 0.3% of the total stake, depending on the validator’s capital.

Probability of Being Slashed

In short: slashing is a rare event.

On Ethereum:

  • Number of active validators: 1073217
  • Number of total validators: 1666218
  • Number of validators slashed: 449
  • Probability of slashing: 0.027%

On Gnosis Chain:

  • Number of active validators: 309921
  • Number of total validators: 412578
  • Number of validators slashed: 1128
  • Probability of slashing: 0.27%

It’s interesting to note that the probability of slashing on Gnosis Chain is an order of magnitude higher than on Ethereum. Possible explanations include:

  • Less experienced operators due to the lower entry barrier.
  • A mass slashing event in July 2023, where hundreds of validators (likely from the same operator) were slashed.
  • A higher number of validators per operator, as the value required to run a validator is much lower on Gnosis Chain.

On BSC and other Cosmos SDK chains:

  • Historical data for slashing events on these chains is not as easily accessible. On BSC, during certain periods, slashing of principal capital was impossible due to a bug, skewing any statistics.
  • However, the information that is available indicates that slashing of principal capital has been extremely rare if at all present on BSC.

Time Dependency of Slashing Probability

Using Ethereum’s data, the probability of being slashed depends weakly on the lifetime of the chain, but more strongly on the time since a validator’s activation. This dependency is a good news for restaking, as it means that:

  • Established methods such as Survival analysis can be used to predict the slashing probability.
  • Risks can be reduced by relying on validators that have been in operation longer.

The figure below shows the Kaplan-Meier survival curve fitted to empirical Ethereum validator data. It’s clear that the highest rate of slashing happens during the first few days of a validator’s operation. This relationship between validator activation time and slashing risk could be incorporated into the VaR model in future iterations.

Connecting the Case Study to the Model

Can the case study be used to estimate rho_N and rho_A? It’s not trivial, since Ethereum’s and Gnosis chain’s stake distribution among operators is very different from what’s expected in the AVS world. Still, some points of note:

  • Slashing doesn’t seem to be correlated at all across multiple operators, except during the first days after the chain was launched (when there is a higher risk of misconfiguration for all operators), suggesting values of rho_N close to zero.
  • For on a small operator, it is not unlikely that a large % of their nodes get slashed at once, suggesting values of rho_A closer to one than to zero.
  • For a large operator, even for those responsible for the largest slashing events like and Bitcoin Suisse (108 and 99 validators slashed, respectively), less than one percent of all their validators got slashed simultaneously. However, this is not as relevant to the case of AVS, since it’s unlikely that any operator will have to run thousands of validators in that setting.

TL;DR: Summary of the Case Study

  • Slashing of principal capital is rare across all three chains analyzed. It occurs most frequently on Gnosis Chain, where the entry requirements are the lowest.
  • There have been some group slashing events affecting 100 or more validators, but none have been large enough to trigger the additional correlation penalties.
  • While it may seem obvious, historical data confirms that newly launched validators are more likely to be misconfigured compared to long-running validators.

Incorporating Returns

In order to estimate the risk-adjusted returns, let’s use a modified version of Risk-Adjusted Reward Ratio (RAR) from the Renzo article, denoting the operational expenses with OpEx. The idea behind this indicator is similar to the Sharpe ratio used in traditional finance:

The AVS are expected to have different reward rates, scaled proportionally to the Unique Stake denoted to them:

where Ra is the reward rate of AVS a.
By combining the reward and risk metrics together in this way, the attractiveness of a restaking portfolio can be quantified with a single number. This gives a clear mathematical goal when optimizing the portfolio allocation across AVSs and node operators.

We recommend allocating total stake across AVSs in a manner that maximizes the Risk Adjusted Reward RAR.


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